5 Ways to Set Your Child Up for Academic Success
September 16, 2022

Summer is quickly coming to an end, which means parents around the country are preparing for their child’s return to the classroom. Well, did you know that a healthy smile is just as important to academic success as the supplies your little one has in their backpack? A report from the Office of the Surgeon General notes that more than 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental-related conditions. Below, we’re sharing oral hygiene tips to help your child stay healthy and spend more time in school!
(more…)What You Should Know Before Getting Veneers
September 7, 2022

A smile is worth a thousand words. If you have several dental imperfections you want to address, you may be thinking about getting veneers in Oshkosh. Not only is it a long-lasting cosmetic solution, but it can transform several different aspects of your teeth at once. Of course, there are a few important facts you should know before committing to this treatment. Read on to learn more!