Whiter Teeth Aren’t Always Healthier Teeth; Here’s Why
September 27, 2023

In medieval times, long before the rise of modern dental science, people favored whiter teeth not unlike they do today. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t always know the right way to achieve a brighter smile. Back then, dentistry was considered the job of the local barber, and a popular treatment involved applying a few coats of acid to a patient’s teeth to lighten their color. While this procedure did have the desired bleaching effect, the acid also eroded the enamel, making teeth more vulnerable to injury and decay.
It doesn’t really make sense to lighten your teeth if doing so makes them fall out. Fortunately, people today know more about how to take care of their teeth than they did in the medieval era, and your dentist is well-equipped to brighten, whiten, and shine your teeth without destroying them in the process. Here’s what you should know about why whiter teeth are not always healthier teeth.
(more…)Inflamed, Contagious, and Gross: Some Interesting Facts About Gum Disease
September 13, 2023

While gum disease begins with mild inflammation that might go unnoticed for a while, if left untreated it will progress to a far nastier condition with unfortunate long-term consequences. Though these oral health concerns are quite unpleasant to deal with, knowing more about them can help you know how to avoid them. Since September is Gum Care Month, here are some interesting facts about gum disease from your dentist to help you understand exactly why you should take such good care of your oral health.