Be Afraid: Some Scary Statistics About Dental Health
October 13, 2023

The Halloween season is a celebration of all things creepy, scary, and spooky, but the terror doesn’t have to stop with the zombies, vampires, werewolves, and ghosts. When you look at the general state of people’s dental health, you’ll find plenty of things to scream about. Here are some frightening dental statistics to give you some motivation to keep up with your dentist appointments and practice better dental hygiene.
(more…)Whiter Teeth Aren’t Always Healthier Teeth; Here’s Why
September 27, 2023

In medieval times, long before the rise of modern dental science, people favored whiter teeth not unlike they do today. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t always know the right way to achieve a brighter smile. Back then, dentistry was considered the job of the local barber, and a popular treatment involved applying a few coats of acid to a patient’s teeth to lighten their color. While this procedure did have the desired bleaching effect, the acid also eroded the enamel, making teeth more vulnerable to injury and decay.
It doesn’t really make sense to lighten your teeth if doing so makes them fall out. Fortunately, people today know more about how to take care of their teeth than they did in the medieval era, and your dentist is well-equipped to brighten, whiten, and shine your teeth without destroying them in the process. Here’s what you should know about why whiter teeth are not always healthier teeth.
(more…)Inflamed, Contagious, and Gross: Some Interesting Facts About Gum Disease
September 13, 2023

While gum disease begins with mild inflammation that might go unnoticed for a while, if left untreated it will progress to a far nastier condition with unfortunate long-term consequences. Though these oral health concerns are quite unpleasant to deal with, knowing more about them can help you know how to avoid them. Since September is Gum Care Month, here are some interesting facts about gum disease from your dentist to help you understand exactly why you should take such good care of your oral health.
(more…)August 6th is National Fresh Breath Day
August 9, 2023
Are you embarrassed by bad breath? You’re not alone. Between 35%-45% of people worldwide experience bad breath. 90% of people with bad breath spend over $400 annually trying to keep odors at bay. August 6th is National Fresh Breath Day to raise awareness of halitosis. Here are 5 culprits of halitosis and what you can do to keep your breath fresh.
5 Tips to Ace Your Next Dental Exam
August 6, 2023
A new school year is here, which means life is about to get a little busier. While you work hard in the classroom, study, and participate in extracurricular activities, it can lead to bad habits that can affect your oral health. Here are 5 back-to-school tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy during the year.
Cosmetic Dental Treatments Perfect for Seniors
July 4, 2023

Cosmetic dentistry has advanced incredibly in recent years, and now patients can benefit from a wide variety of treatments suited to all kinds of different needs. For one, you might have noticed that your smile has changed a little bit as you’ve gotten older. Your teeth might have become discolored, or you might have become a little bit “long in the tooth”.
There are plenty of ways that you can handle these issues—here are just a few examples to choose from.
(more…)Summer Foods You Can Eat With Dental Implants
July 3, 2023

If you’ve been missing teeth for a while, dental implants can allow you to eat all kinds of things you may have been missing out on. Now that summer is here, there are all kinds of foods that you’ll be able to enjoy to the fullest.
If you want to put your new tooth to the test, here are a few summer foods that dental implants can allow you to eat.
(more…)Why This Summer is A Great Time to Start Invisalign Treatment
June 5, 2023

There are plenty of people who are interested in getting a straighter smile, and with Invisalign treatment, it’s never been easier. These clear plastic trays can produce results comparable to traditional braces without the need for bulky wires and brackets.
If that sounds interesting, this summer is a great time to get started with Invisalign treatment. Here are a few reasons why that’s the case.
(more…)A Confident Smile: Why You Should Consider This Unconventional Graduation Gift
May 19, 2023

As they walk across the podium, your heart warms with pride. You’ve had many ups and downs with this graduating senior of yours, and you can’t believe how much they’ve grown. You wish nothing but the best for them and want to help them as they conclude this phase of life and become a responsible adult.
Instead of giving them a traditional graduation gift, consider something a little unconventional—improving their smile. Cosmetic dental treatment may seem like a strange choice, but it actually makes a lot of sense. In this post, you’ll learn how this gift could make a huge difference for your graduating senior and what treatments are available.
(more…)3 Reasons to See Your Dentist Before You Leave for Summer Vacation
May 4, 2023

You’ve booked the flight and hotel, made dinner reservations, and put in your time-off request at work. You’ve arranged for someone to care for your pets while you’re gone. You still have to pack, but you think you have all the necessities. Are you missing something? It may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but if you haven’t been to the dentist’s office in a while, you really should get this appointment done before you leave for summer vacation. Why? Here are three strong reasons!