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3 Tips for Managing a Dental Emergency During Summer Vacation

June 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 12:11 pm
woman traveling during summer vacation

Are you planning on traveling during summer vacation? While there are plenty of exciting sights to see, you’ll want to make sure you’re in good health to make the most of your time. You might also consider protecting your smile, as having a dental emergency is the last thing you’d want. But what steps can you take to plan ahead? Learn three tips on dealing with a dental emergency during your summer trip from your dentist in Oshkosh!  


4 Helpful Dental Hygiene Tips for Seniors

May 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 4:17 pm
Senior couple smiling.

As the years go by, your body begins to show signs of age—your hair starts to grey, your skin starts to wrinkle, and you finally start to slow down. It’s not all bad, though; visits from your grandchildren and the wisdom that comes with age are two pluses. But something else to be mindful of as you grow older is your oral health; sometimes it’s not obvious, but your teeth can show signs of age too and jeopardize your health! Here are some tips from your dentist in Oshkosh to help you preserve your oral health and stay smiling throughout your golden years.


3 Cosmetic Treatments That Are Perfect for Summer

May 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 3:28 pm
Smiling woman at the beach.

Summer is finally here! Get ready for warmer weather, poolside shenanigans, and days filled with adventure that will have you smiling non-stop! There are probably plenty of things you’re planning to do this summer, but is a trip to your cosmetic dentist one of them? Summertime is the perfect time to upgrade your smile with cosmetic dentistry, and your dentist in Oshkosh has plenty of options that can give your teeth a gorgeous new look. Keep reading to learn more about three of the most popular treatments!


What You Should Know About Your Risks of Oral Cancer

April 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 4:46 pm
woman sticking out her tongue

Practicing preventive dental care involves more than simply keeping your teeth clean by brushing and flossing daily. One of the main reasons is to avoid other serious health issues from developing—including oral cancer. But how do you know if you’re at risk of this condition? Read on to learn about the signs for oral cancer and how you can minimize your chances with the help of your dentist in Oshkosh!


Invest in Your Smile With Your Tax Refund—Here’s Why!

April 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 3:47 pm
woman smiling and holding money

One of the nicest things to receive every year is your tax refund. You’ve worked hard for it those past months, and now it’s time to think how you can best enjoy the extra cash. While you might be tempted to buy the newest products or spend it on entertainment, you might consider saving it for something more lasting—such as your dental health. Keep reading why your dentist in Oshkosh says investing your tax refund in your smile is a good move!


Why You Should Give Your Teeth a Spring Cleaning

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 8:33 pm
man in dental chair with dentist

The first calendar year to have three different U.S. presidents was 1841, and that would only occur again 40 years later. Something perhaps less consequential in history that also happened in 1841 was the debut of the phrase “spring cleaning.” Defined as “thorough cleaning of a place,” spring cleaning can even relate to your oral health, which might still be recovering from the foods of the holiday season. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Oshkosh about how you can conduct spring cleaning for your smile.


Why Is It Crucial to Overcome Dental Fear?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 8:24 pm
woman looking scared at dentist

You just couldn’t believe it when your sister admitted she hasn’t been to the dentist in five years! When you asked her why, she said she always forgets to make an appointment. You aren’t buying that excuse since it’s been five years, after all, but you wonder how many other people are never getting treatment either. Read on as your dentist in Oshkosh discusses dental fear. It seems your sister might be facing a variation of it and her outlook needs to change.


How Does Your Smile Keep Your Heart Healthy?

February 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 7:11 pm
doctor holding floating heart in hands

When February rolls around, most people are preoccupied with buying gifts and treats for their loved ones for Valentine’s Day. Even though this holiday steals the spotlight every year, there’s another significant reason why we should be celebrating – it’s American Heart Month! Because our heart is a powerful muscle that we owe our lives to, taking proper care of it is incredibly important. It may surprise you to learn that keeping your heart healthy starts with your smile. Read on to learn about the connection between oral health and cardiovascular health.


New Year, New You: How to Turn Flossing into a Daily Habit

January 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 9:02 pm
young woman flossing

It’s officially a brand-new year! If you’re like most people, you’ve probably already started working on your list of New Year’s resolutions. While these typically involve ways to improve your health and financial situation, you should consider focusing on your dental health. For example, turning flossing into a daily habit should be at the top of your list. Not only does it ward off tooth decay, but it can significantly lower your risk of periodontal disease. That said, here are some tips to help you stick to it every day.


4 Reasons Why It’s Important That You Seek Preventive Care

December 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — oshkoshcomplete @ 2:10 am
Patient smiling at dentist in Oshkosh

While part of your regular cleanings and checkups has to do with keeping your smile looking its best at all times, there is so much more to it than just that. Sitting in the dental chair with your mouth open may not be your favorite activity, but you may be surprised by all the ways it can benefit you. Continue reading to learn some of the reasons why you should always seek preventive care from your dentist in Oshkosh.

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